Innovative Solutions Canada is a new Government of Canada innovation procurement program designed to support Canadian small businesses.
The 20 participating federal departments and agencies will issue challenges through Innovative Solutions Canada. The challenges are designed to seek novel solutions and not commercially available products or services. The challenges issued by federal departments and agencies will be designed around desired outcomes rather than known products or process specifications.
Each participating department will allocate a minimum of one percent of their 2015-16 procurement and intramural research and development expenditures to support early-stage, pre-commercial research and development and late-stage prototypes from Canadian small businesses in response to challenges.
Target customers
Solution proposals can only be submitted by a small business that meets all of the following criteria:
for profit
incorporated in Canada (federally or provincially)
499 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
research and development activities that take place in Canada
50% or more of its annual wages, salaries and fees are currently paid to employees and contractors who spend the majority of their time working in Canada
50% or more of its FTE employees have Canada as their ordinary place of work
50% or more of its senior executives (Vice President and above) have Canada as their principal residence
Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) is a new federal program with over $100 million dedicated to supporting the scale up and growth of Canada’s innovators and entrepreneurs by having the federal...