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The list of services is designed to enable entrepreneurs to discover all the different types of services offered in the Outaouais. We invite you to enter your requirements in the search engine below in order to find just the right resources for your business project. Regardless of which one you contact, you can rest assured that you will be knocking at the right door!

Find Services  —  7 results
Le Bootcamp
WE'LL LIGHT YOU UP AND SPARK YOUR PROJECT. IDEA INCUBATION – 16-WEEK PROGRAM Any entrepreneur or team trying to make their idea into a real start-up must validate their concept first. But...
IT'S A LONG JOURNEY, WE'LL WALK WITH YOU. R&D, INCUBATION-ACCELERATION - 12-MONTH PROGRAM You and your team have clearly identified a problem in a specific industry, and people in the...
Advice and guidance
By analyzing your project and goals and providing free personalized advice, our advisers will direct you to the best resources, solutions and sources of financing to drive your project forward, based...
Developing export markets
Wood Collective organize and finance activities and projects aiming to develop export markets for Wood Products Manufacturers. To do so, Wood Collective has access to Quebec Government programs...